Not having to do an intensive season of May-July bird fieldwork for the 
first time in years is allowing me to finally check off some unique MN 
breeding season experiences. Last night, on the way back from a weekend 
in the northern part of the state, my wife Sara and I made the 
pilgrimage to the McGregor Marsh to find sedge marsh species.

A visit between 2-3 AM yielded all the expected birds of the marsh. We 
were satisfied to stay dry and just listen, and we heard one Yellow Rail
 clicking away along state Hwy 65 (on the west side about 0.2 mile south
 of the junction with 210). Also in this spot, we heard at least 2 
Nelson's Sparrows. We stopped in many spots in the marsh, but this was 
the only spot where we heard these two species. LeConte's Sparrows were 
heard at almost every stop. Other species heard included snipe, Amerian 
Bittern, and far too many Sedge Wrens (they drowned the quieter species 

On a side note, Sunday night seems to be an ideal time to stop and 
listen for birds along Hwy 65, since the traffic was extremely light 
(only 3 cars in one hour).

Scott Loss

St. Paul

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