For the second year in a row, Merlins have nested at Acacia Cemetery Park in 
Dakota County. Four young successfully fledged in 2010. On 3 July 2011, at 
least 3 rather large downy young were seen moving about the nest by my brothers 
Donn, Richard and myself. Both adults were present. Again this year, the male 
is of the prairie subspecies, richardsonii , and most likely the same 
individual as in 2010. The female, however, appears to me to possibly be a 
hybrid richardsonii X taiga , based on intermediate characteristics between the 
two subspecies. 

The nest is located in a pine tree about 100m WSW of the 2010 nest. It is about 
1 m below the very top center and visible only from a couple of select vantage 
points. Although I have photos of this female taken in May, I would appreciate 
seeing any photos of this female taken by others. 

Jim Mattsson 

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