Driving from the Twin Cities to La Crosse on Saturday morning (7-16), I spotted 
an adult Swainson's Hawk soaring low over the intersection of Hwy 61 and 
Jamaica Ave. in Cottage Grove.  On the return trip this afternoon (Sunday), I 
again saw a Swainson's from Hwy 61, but about 1/2 mile east of Jamaica Ave. 
near the drive-in theater.

With both sightings, I was driving by too fast and my schedule prevented me 
from stopping to look for a second bird, but it may be of interest to birders 
in that area to follow up and check for breeding evidence. Being out of town 
much of the summer, I'm not sure if this species has been seen in that area, 
but I couldn't find any mention in the MOU-net archives or on the MOU sightings 

Scott Loss
St. Paul

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