I stopped by the CR16 wetland to look at shorebirds this 
Hey birders!

I stopped by the CR16 wetland to look at shorebirds this morning.  Counting the 
today was too difficult thanks to a male Cooper's Hawk that went by 
twice.  I counted half twice before everybody took to the air and I 
finally gave up.  The mudflats were even better today, but the water is 
draining fast.  We probably only have a couple of days left at that 
location without any additional rain.

The highlight today was a single Sanderling tucked in with the other 
peeps.  Killdeer dominated again 
today with at least 3 Greater Yellowlegs, Lesser Yellowlegs, Solitary, 
Least, Spotted, Baird's, and Pectoral Sandpipers to round it out.  There were 
also some Great Blue Herons and a single Black Tern present when I pulled up 
around 9:30am.  I did not look at the flooded field east of there along CR168, 
but that should be getting better for shorebirds now.

Tom Dahlen also mentioned to me that he saw an odd duck on the west side
 of Cobb River WPA (586th Ave).  The bird had a white cheek, orange 
bill, and brownish tones.  If you visit, keep an eye out for the odd duck!

Happy birding!

Chad Heins

"But ask the animals and they will teach you, or the birds of the air, and they 
will tell you; Which of all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has 
done this?" --Job 12:7, 9

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