First thing this morning when we checked the nest cam found that te Eastern Bluebirds had fledged-right on time. This afternoon while sitting on the deck we observed two adults losading up on mealworms and flying off into the woods. Interestingly on several occasions we observed a juvenile also collect a mouthful and head in the same direction. This would be the third fledge from this pair in this house this summer and it appears that all four left the nest successfully.

We took Samantha our Golden Retriever and two of her puppies for a walk at Schimek Park today. Spotted a Black and White Warbler as we walked through the park.

Counted as many as 9 Baltimore Orioles devouring grape jelly this afternoon including two adult males.
Hummingbird numbers increasing daily, highlight of the summer season.
Grosbeaks, Orchard Orioles, and Catbirds not present for about a week.

John Nelson
Good Thunder MN

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