There was a late Common Gallinule in the canal immediately behind the conservation club on Swan Lake, Nicollet County, west of Nicollet and .3 miles north of U.S. 14 found by Andy Forbes and myself today. Other nice birds seen today included single Red-necked Grebe and Western Grebe at Swan Lake, Sibley County SW of Gibbon, a flock of 20 plover at the Fairfax sewage treatment ponds including at least 8 Black-bellied Plover and 4 Golden Plover, a family of Trumpeter Swans still hanging out at the ponds, and a Merlin that temporarily fooled us at it hovered over the pond. At Sleepy Eye sewage ponds there were 4 Baird's Sandpiper, 4 Pectorals, a Black-bellied Plover, and several Least Sandpiper. Bob Russell
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