I can see that Mike has some valid concerns about protecting owls, but I just 
respectfully disagree. Yes, there are some people who violate the rules, just 
this weekend people will violate private property to get a deer. 

I have a fondness for birds, but also really enjoy photography. I've invested 
equipment, have a web page, and am trying to take my hobby to the next 
level. As a birder, I have 9 feeders, and regularly go out to find all sorts of 
birds, using this list as a key informational tool to visit different spots. 
to MOU, I've found many great places to bird and go. 

Raptors are my favorite birds, and I love owls. I've only seen a hawk owl, saw 
whet owl and great horned owl - I'd like to see more of these birds. I realize 
people earn money as guides, and I hired one twice last year at Sax-Zim, but 
these are also public roads open for all to enjoy. I'm not sure the traffic on 
MOU but I'm guessing this list isn't as busy as the Drudge Report. I realize 
baiting a bird is a debatable topic, but my opinion on that is if it is such a 
thing, or harmful to an owl, wouldn't the DNR make a law or regulation that 
says you can't do this? That's a separate post. I don't bring bait with me, 
my camera gear. I can't buy mice at the wild bird store, but I love hawks, and 
one could say having a group of birds around my feeder is in a sense baiting 
the red tail to have a chickadee for lunch. 

I live in the Twin Cities, and last spring a poster let me know about a great 
horned owl in a tree. I didn't get good photos, but would like to try again. He 
was very specific, and I set up my tripod and camera below the tree, and there 
was no issue. 

Frankly as I said, I'd find it quite frustrating if someone posted about an owl 
any bird but didn't want to give out any information on it's location - even if 
unintended I'd almost take it as a gloat. I see this list as a place to share 
information, and think the best route is to ask people to use etiquette. 

Quite a lot of posts on this one and good discussion.

Fr. Paul

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