I arrived at Sax-Zim Bog this afternoon around 3:30pm, and birdwatched
until sunset. The first bird I saw in the bog was a gorgeous Northern
Shrike perched on a power line. One of the biggest highlights of the
evening was seeing three Trumpeter Swans swimming and feeding on Stone
Lake. They were seen from the first lake-viewing area (the first bend in
Stone Lake Road).

One of the other fun things that I discovered this afternoon, is that
Pileated Woodpeckers can keep up a sustained flight speed of at least
27mph. While I was driving on one of the roads this evening, a Pileated
Woodpecker was flying parallel with the road (maybe ~150 feet away).  I
noticed that it was matching my speed as I hit 27mph, and it held that
speed for a considerable amount of time before it landed on a tree to
likely roost for the night. My list from this afternoon is below.

Trumpeter Swan - 3
Red-tailed Hawk - 1 (adult)
Downy Woodpecker
Pileated Woodpecker
Northern Shrike - 1
American Crow
Common Raven
Black-capped Chickadee
Blue Jay
Gray Jay
Snow Bunting
Common Redpoll

And some pictures from this evening... Enjoy!

Trumpeter Swans

Black-capped Chickadees (there was a flock of at least 18 chickadees)

Common Redpolls

Afternoon Moon at the Bog

Gray Jay (first shot is of one in-flight, with food in the bill... likely
preparing to cache food for the winter)!

Good birding,
Erik Bruhnke
Duluth, MN

*NATURALLY AVIAN* - Guided Birdwatching Trips and Bird photography

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