*Minnesota Statewide
*November 26, 2011

-Birds mentioned
Harlequin Duck
Surf Scoter
Black Scoter
Long-tailed Duck
Barrow's Goldeneye
Snowy Owl
Varied Thrush
Summer Tanager

Hotline: Minnesota Statewide
Date: November 26, 2011
Sponsor: Minnesota Ornithologists' Union (MOU) http://moumn.org
Reports: (763) 780-8890
Compiler: Anthony Hertzel (r...@moumn.org) 

This is the Minnesota Birding Report for November 25th, 2011.

Peder Svingen found a BARROW'S GOLDENEYE on the 19th at Park Point in
Duluth and it was still present on the 25th.

A SUMMER TANAGER is still being seen at the Carpenter Nature Center in
Hastings, Washington County. The nature center is located at 12805 Saint
Croix Trail.

A LONG-TAILED DUCK has been on Lake Calhoun in Minneapolis since Chet
Meyers reported it on the 21st. Another was seen on the 23rd by Dedrick
Benz at the Highway 26 Overlook to the Mississippi River south of
Brownsville in Houston County. A SURF SCOTER was seen by John Ellis on
the 19th at the public landing of Lake Osakis in Todd County. Al
Schirmacher reported a BLACK SCOTER on the 25th at the Wealthwood
pull-off to Mille Lacs Lake in Aitkin County. And Lars Benson found a
HARLEQUIN DUCK at Paradise Beach on Lake Superior on the 25th. Paradise
Beach is about 14 miles up the shore from Grand Marais, Cook County.

Several SNOWY OWLS have been reported in the past week. The following
were all found on November 25th: one seen by Bruce Brecke in Houston
County between Caledonia and Brownsville and near the intersection of
county roads 3 and 24. Shawn Conrad and Earl Orf found two SNOWY OWLS on
the eastern edge of Lake Winnibigoshish in Itasca County. Dave Bartkey
reported of one along Steele County Road 23 about 2.5 miles east of
Waseca County Road 4. And Kevin Kowalcyk found one a mile west and a
quarter mile south of Royalton on the Benton/Morrison County Line.
Earlier, on November 20th, a SNOWY OWL was just north of Ramsey County
Road B and west of McKnight Road in St. Paul.

On November 21st, Kelly Blackledge at the Tamarac NWR in Becker County
reported a VARIED THRUSH at the headquarters feeding station. Another
was found on the 19th along the 4300 block of Cooke Street in east

The next scheduled update of this tape is December 1st, 2011.

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