If you have not registered for the festival there is room but its fil

If you have not registered for the festival there is room but its filling up 
fast so I encourage everyone if you are making plans to attend the festival and 
have not registered yet please do so soon.  We have about 50 spots open for the 
2012 festival and so far the turn out is great. We are getting birders from all 
over the United States.

To learn more about the festival and our speakers please visit our festival 
website at http://sax-zimbog.com/birding-festival/  or visit our main website 
http://sax-zimbog.com/ and then click on festival tab on the navigation bar.

In the last week the following birds have been found in the bog.

-Sharp-tailed Grouse
-Ruffed Grouse
-Northern Goshawk
-Rough-legged Hawk

-Snowy Owl (2)
-Great Gray Owl
-Northern Shrike
-Black-billed Magpie
-Gray Jay
-Black-backed Woodpecker
-Boreal Chickadee
-White-winged Crossbill
-Common Redpoll
-Pine Grosbeak

The following birds have been spotted in Duluth/Superior, WI this week:

- Snowy Owl (6) ( 4 in Wisconsin and 2 in Duluth )

-Barrow's Goldeneye

-Iceland Gull
-Thayer's Gull
-Glaucous Gull
-Glaucous-winged Gull
-Great Black-backed Gull
-Peregrine Falcon
-Bohemian Waxwing
-Varied Thrush
-Townsend Solitaire
-White-winged crossbill
-Pine Grosbeak
-Common Redpoll

Lots of birds, lots of field trips, great speakers, great meals and lunches and 
great vendors to visit and shop at!!  

So please registered soon and be part of the 2012 Sax-Zim Bog Winter Bird 

Good Birding!!

Mike Hendrickson
Duluth, Minnesota

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