April 30 was the date with the most FOY species(19) followed by March 17 and 
May 10(10)
Personal best 21 shorebird species for the year 
Very few Bonaparte's Gull seen in the fall
Very few terns seen in the fall and 0 Black Terns seen all year
0 Yellow-billed Cuckoo seen/heard all year and Black-billed only seen during 
spring/early summer
Both Great Horned Owl and Barred Owl were much harder to come by this fall than 
1 Common Nighthawk seen all year(do not spend much time birding at the right 
time of day for these)
Good number of Olive-sided and Yellow-bellied Flycatcher seen this year
Personal best number of Blue-headed and Philadelphia Vireo seen this year 
during both the spring and fall season
Lowest number of fall Golden-crowned Kinglets since 2008, 41% of 2010 fall 
total and 34% of 2009 fall total(Ruby-crowned numbers stable, 103% and 101%)
Poor Swainson's Thrush numbers this fall(I did read a post from somebody in 
Illinois that had hundreds of Swainson's Thrush in the Chicago area before I 
had even seen one this fall, so most may have bypassed the area.)
After never seeing an Eastern Towhee in Carver County prior to the year, I saw 
4 in the spring and 5 in the fall
Personal best fall number of Lincoln's, Harris's, and White-crowned Sparrow
1 Yellow-headed Blackbird seen all year(4 breeding areas were either flooded or 
had very high water all spring and early summer)
0 Redpolls and 1 Pine Siskin all year
Great spring and fall for warbler with a few exceptions
The following is the percentage of each warbler species seen during 
2011  comparing the number of each individual species to the number seen
 in 2010. Yellow, Redstart, and Yellowthroat are excluded, as I do not always 
individually count these species.


Blue-winged 80.59%
Golden-winged 650%
Tennessee 207.83%
Orange-crowned 625%
Nashville 328.57%
Northern Parula 233.33%
Chestnut-sided 5100%
Magnolia 1933%
Cape May 1400%
Yellow-rumped 197.7%
Black-throated Green 71.43%
Blackburnian 1366%
Pine 300%
Palm 547.83%
Bay-breasted saw 15 in 2011 but did not see any during the spring of 2010
Blackpoll 1416%
Cerulean 33.33%
Black and White 670%
Prothonotary 20%
Ovenbird 74.19%
Northern Waterthrush 113.63%
Connecticut saw 2 in 2011 but did not see any during the spring of 2010
Mourning 366.67%
Wilson's 3800%
Canada 700%


Blue-winged 154.54%

Golden-winged 250%

Tennessee 80.58%

Orange-crowned 131.11%

Nashville 119.71%

Northern Parula saw 3 in 2011 but did not see any during the fall of 2010

Chestnut-sided 247.06%

Magnolia 128%

Cape May 100%

Yellow-rumped 87.09%

Black-throated Green 266.66%

Blackburnian 316.66%

Pine 300%

Palm 71.43%

Bay-breasted 150%

Blackpoll 160%
Cerulean 0%

Black and White 171.43%

Prothonotary 0%

Ovenbird 76.19%

Northern Waterthrush 72.22%

Connecticut saw 1 in 2011 but did not see any during the fall of 2010

Mourning 366.67%

Wilson's 119.15%

Canada 253.33%

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