The grove at Manston Marsh WMA in Wilkin County had a nice flock of
White-winged Crossbills.  It was hard to tell how many there were as they
were in the spruce trees and scattered about the area. I saw 8 at once in a
decidous tree, so I'll assume that there were at least twice that many
(16+).  There were also 3 Common Redpolls with them.

I didn't get any Snowy Owls in Wilkin in either the Manston Marsh or the
Rothsay WMA areas.  There were a lot of other raptors in the area so I'm a
bit surprised there weren't any owls.  Raptor totals:
Rough-legged Hawk - 16
Northern Harrier - 4
Bald Eagle - 1
American Kestrel - 1

Mark Otnes
Fargo ND

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