Not MN but a great adventure.  Older birders may remember Henry Killinstad of 
Marshall, MN who found the first nest of this species near Nome, AK.  It's a 
fascinating story with photos--Google "The Eggs and Young of the 
Bristle-thighed Curlew" for the original article in The Auk.

Shorebird Volunteer Opportunity in Alaska 
SHOREBIRD VOLUNTEER.  Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge is looking for 2 
volunteers to assist with a breeding population study of the Bristle-thighed 
Curlews from 1 May to 6 July 2012.  The job can be extended an additional four 
weeks until August 4 if the volunteer wishes to help with waterfowl or 
fisheries projects. 
This is a great opportunity to work on a rare and unique species and gain 
experience working at a remote field location in Alaska.  Field work will 
include surveying curlews and other birds at point counts, delineating breeding 
territories, conducting behavioral observations, searching for and monitoring 
nests and broods, capturing and color banding adults, resighting marked 
individuals, documenting predators, and gathering information about weather 
conditions, prey items, and habitat use.  When not in the field, interns will 
help with field logistics, gear maintenance, and data entry.   
The field site is at a remote wilderness location in western Alaska that is 
accessible by helicopter only. Camp life is communal, with a common cook tent, 
individual sleeping tents, and few amenities.  Field personnel will be required 
to hike 6-12 miles per day over rugged tundra-covered hills and through 
shrub-filled drainages under a variety of weather conditions.  Snow is present 
in May, temperatures can range from 20-80s, and conditions are often wet and 
windy.  Working conditions may also include dense clouds of mosquitoes and 
other biting insects and possible close encounters with moose or bear. 
To qualify, you must be available no later than 1 May and be in excellent 
physical condition.  We are seeking applicants that are self-motivated, 
enthusiastic, and can work effectively as part of a team.  A strong interest in 
birds and prior experience camping in a remote setting is desired. 
Initial training (bear safety; firearms safety; aircraft safety) is mandatory.  
The Refuge will provide food, lodging, transport to and from the field site, 
most field equipment, and round trip airfare from Anchorage, Alaska to Bethel. 
Please send a letter (highlighting relevant experience), resume, transcripts, 
and the names and contact information (e-mail preferred) of three references to 
Kristine Sowl at OR Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge, 
Box 346, Bethel, AK 99559.  Applications will be accepted until the positions 
are filled. 
Robert P. Russell

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