I just got back from a bird trip through Morrison, Crow Wing, and Aitkin 
Counties. Got a Varied Thrush in N.E. Morrison. Found 4 Magpies in Crow Wing, 
along with an American Three Toed Woodpecker, Pine Grossbeaks, White 
Winged Crossbills, and Trumpeters. In Aitkin we got a Snowy Owl at the 
intersection of 1 and 22 down a sod road, Gray Jays, 2 Rough legged hawks, 
and Red Poles. Missed out on the Great Gray Owl in Aitkin County and a Black 
Backed Woodpecker and Gray Jays in Crow Wing. I didn't fing one of these birds 
on my own and have to thank Herb Dingman for most of the finds. He led us 
right to them. Had a good day with Milt Blomberg and ran into Denny & Barb 
Martin, Butch Ukura, and Warren Nelson.  Good group to be with. I will leave 
details of the finds to the people who found them. Very good birding day.    
Frank Gosiak   Little Falls, Morrison County  1-320-267-1667

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