Spent most of the afternoon at Talcot WMA.  One of the first birds seen was
an EASTERN PHOEBE in pines, I believe the earliest I have ever seen a Phoebe
by weeks.

Also seen(partial list):
Killdeer 2+
Redwinged Black birds 1000s
Greater White Fronted Geese 1000s (my, how their status has changed)
Canada geese 1000s
Cackling Geese 10s
Snow geese (almost all up high and flying north in large flocks - very few
down low) ~1500 up high
Eagles 10s (certainly reports of larger numbers around)
Pintail common
Gadwall common
Common Mergansers
Hooded Merganser
Wood Ducks
Ring-billed Gulls - 10+
Redtail hawk - only one noticed on the way there
Robin - 1

Although the waves of redwinged Blackbirds became very apparent to me on
Thursday. I have not yet noticed similiar waves of Robins, Grackles, and

Probably more I am forgetting or failed to notice.  I was mourning my tripod
and another year passed.

Brad Bolduan

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