I travel out to Rowe Sanctuary in Nebraska each year to spend a night or
two in the photo blinds, along the Platte river with the sandhill cranes.
It's a great experience to be right there as they come in for the night,
and watching them take off the next morning. I highly recommend it! It's
only a day's drive away. The weather was very warm and sunny, which made
for some great sunset photo opportunities. I thought I'd share some of the
photos here.


Closer to home, my bluebird pair has built their nest in the backyard. I'm
pretty sure it's the same pair from last year, since they know to come in
for mealworms when I whistle. Along with chickadees, woodpeckers and
cardinals who have also learned that trick. They all have me well trained.

I had a chipping sparrow show up in the yard last week. Yesterday an
eastern phoebe was scolding me over at Richardson Nature Center, during my
volunteer shift there. Apparently I was taking too long to feed the hawk!

Liz Stanley
Bloomington, MN
Backyard weather and feedercam: http://www.overlookcircle.org/
Photo gallery: http://www.pbase.com/gymell/liz_favorites
Follow me on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/lizmstanley

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