Normally I take a break from birding on Mondays, but William Marengo's post of 
Hudsonian and Marbled Godwits at Rice Lake yesterday evening got me out again 
today.  Regarding yesterday's birds, I suspect that since Bill mentioned 2 
flocks of greater than 300 birds(though he only had time to identify 1 flock) 
that 1 of those flocks arrived to the lake some time in the afternoon.  This 
morning started off a bit more quietly with only ~100 shorebirds all very close 
to shore.   In time that number more than doubled as birds flew in from the 
east.  They flew in low, so the likely either came from the far east side of 
Rice Lake or a neighboring lake.  Thanks to John Hockema for pointing out a 
Marbled Godwit amongst the many Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs.  Other birds 
seen included a Baird's Sandpiper(for a time the closest bird to shore before 
he flew west), 6 Dunlin, and 2 Long-billed Dowitcher.
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