We had a fun entertaining morning of birding despite cloudy windy
conditions at Westwood hills nature center!! 52 species were seen including
a noisey Virginia rail which gave us 5 minutes of good views, and a Red
Tailed hawk sitting on a branch being harrassed by a pair of Northern
Orioles and hardly moving a feather while they dive bombed him! Also
pileated WP,Olive sided Flycatcher, Willow Flycatcher, and a pair of Blue
winged teal. At the New beautiful pond at the center bldg
a pair of Mallards entertained us in the courtship by the male dunking the
hen under water etc! Lol! Thx to Tom,Bill,Ann judy, Ruth and Cindy for
sharing a great AM of birding! Also Good Day Cafe for the Goodies and the
staff of WW hills for their  hospitality!!  Vic Lewis Back for the summer!!

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