A group of 7 Whimbrels was on the beach on the L Superior side of Park Point this morning, ~2 blocks N of the 43rd St bus turn-around. Also of note with them was a lone Willet, for a respectable total of 12 shorebird species in all at Park Point, with the sandbars on the S side of Hearding Island on the bay side at 19th St also having a good variety of species this morning.

On the other hand, Larry & Jan Kraemer and I could only manage to turn up 8 warbler species in the bus turn-around/Southworth Marsh area of Park Point, despite the light intermittent rain showers this morning: such weather in late May often produces 20 or more warbler species here.

The Kraemers continued birding there after I left the area, so perhaps they or other birders will be able to add to these numbers this afternoon. -Kim

Kim R Eckert

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