I went to Felton Prairie this morning and arrived to find Doug K. and 
Steve M.  They were staring up at the sky and I knew what they were 
looking at. After looking up and getting a stiff neck, I noticed as Doug did, 
there were two birds flying and both appeared to have the same 
movement. I left there and we later hooked up when I noticed a strange 
looking bird. After talking to Steve I ascertained it was a juvenile Chestnut 
Collared Longspur (first Chestnuts I have seen). Doug was further South 
and motioned to us that he found a group who were probably in a nesting 
area. My nearest estimate was there were probably a little less than a 
dozen birds. The location is about 3/4 mile North of the Sprague's Pipit 
(which was by the North end of the wind generator). Also, there were a 
number of Marbled Godwits in the area with Bobolinks and Dicksissles. It 
was hard to focus at times with the many, many, Grasshopper Sparrows 
calling. Earlier I found two Upland Sandpipers and a lone LeConte's 
Sparrow. The Uplands were North where the minimum maintenance road 
joined County 108. The LeConte's was West of the end of  County 108. 
Take the first minimum maintenance road heading South. Then the first 
maintenance road heading East again. It was back in the lowland grass 
area along the road on the South side. Two Minnesota lifers and 4 first of 
the year birds, plus, some good fellowship with a number of birders. My 
day was full and I was happy on the return trip. What a good way to 
spend a day.

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