I made a quick loop around the Prairie's Edge Wildlife Drive this morning, from 
6:30 to 7:45.  Birds are still singing like crazy, and sparrows are abundant 
(grasshopper, field, clay-colored) or very common (vesper, song, chipping, 
swamp), with many perched in the open and close to the road.  And me with no 
camera!  I counted 26 dickcissels singing around the entire loop - crazy 
numbers of these birds this year!
A gentleman was perched at the gallinule spot at 2.5 miles and said he saw one 
bird early - probably 6:30 or so.  There were 72 cormorants perched in trees on 
Nelson Pool.  Several pairs of sandhill cranes, only two pairs had a colt or 
colts.  Scarlet tanager singing from a dead tree in the open at mile marker 5.0 
- woodland area.
Really cool non-bird sighting was a black bear swimming across Stickney Pool at 
approx. 5.3 miles.
And the Stickney bald eaglets (2) were both perched in the tree, looking larger 
than their parents.
Wildflowers are awesome right now too - especialy along the first 2 miles of 
the drive.  I've been off work the last month recuperating from back surgery, 
so this morning was a wonderful way to start back.
Betsy Beneke
Sherburne NWR

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