At about 12:30 PM today I saw a flock of at least 7 Red Crossbills at Wirth 
Park in Hennepin County. The flock was made up of both male and females birds 
and was on the ground drinking from a small seep that crosses the trail. The 
spot where I saw them was just northeast of the Eloise Butler Wildflower Garden 
in an area that has no coniferous trees in the immediate vicinity, although 
there are certainly plenty in the park. I was alerted to the possibility of 
this species by another birder who I ran into, but unfortunately did not get 
his name. He said that he saw two crossbills perched in a deciduous tree at the 
same spot, but because of his viewing angle was unable to tell if they were Red 
or White-winged Crossbills. After hearing this, I went off to look through 
areas of the park with more coniferous trees without success. I then returned 
by the original spot on my way home and saw the birds on the ground. They flew 
up into the nearby trees when some walkers passed by, but a few returned to the 
ground a few minutes later. Given the reports of Red Crossbills from Morrison, 
Sherburne and Cottonwood counties this month, maybe we're in for a major 
irruption this year.

Howard Towle
Golden Valley, MN
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