I was out guiding a woman from North Carolina today.  We birded Sax-Zim Bog, 
Hawk Ridge, North Shore Drive and Park Point.  We found some terrific birds and 
I was able to show her 7 lifers to add to her growing list.


Sax-Zim Bog:
- Great Gray Owl.  A very cooperative owl that allowed us to witness the owl 
make several plunges in the grass with hopes of nailing a vole.  During the 30 
minutes of watching this owl actively hunt within 60 feet of us it was 
successful once.
- Boreal Chickadee was found among a small flock of Black-capped Chickadees.  
Its always a treat to find a Boreal Chickadee!
- Gray Jay
- Sharp-tailed Grouse.  We found 8 grouse at the traditional lek south of CR 52 
(Arkola Rd).  Take Arkola Rd to Poplar Rd and head south on Poplar Rd and look 
west for a small shack that looks like a out house.  The grouse were feeding on 
both sides of the road.  The farmer is a great guy and he is also the owner of 
Wilbert's Cafe in Cotton.  I met him a few times and its okay to park along the 
Poplar Road to view the grouse.  Please park on the shoulder and do not block 
the road.  We found 6 other grouse along CR 29 on the east side near the 
intersection of the Rasek Rd.  This is another traditional spot and also 
another lek location.
-Barred Owl was seen along the Kolu Rd.

Hawk Ridge:
-Northern Goshawk adult flew over us.
-Common Redpolls migrating over head and stopping to feed on a Birch tree where 
I parked my car!

Two Harbors:
-Northern Shrike down by the tug boat area on Agate Bay.

Park Point:
- 2 Bohemian Waxwings been coming to a crab apple tree with a Robin and a Cedar 
Waxwing for nearly a week.  The crab apple tree is located in the large parking 
lot near the tall pines.

Not a bad day!

Mike Hendrickson
Duluth, Minnesota

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