November 9, 2012 Minnesota River Valley Audubon Chapter Carver County Birding Day Field Trip Report While leading a field for MRVAC, today. Our group found some of the following birds in the county. Waterfowl - 16 species of Waterfowl were observed at various locations throughout the county, including Cackling Goose - Lake Waconia Greater Scaup - Eagle Lake Wild Turkey Common Loon - 20+ on Lake Waconia Horned Grebe - Lake Waconia and Hydes Lake Red-necked Grebe - Lake Waconia American Bittern - First observed by Susan Schumacher, in the marsh on Lake Waconia, along North Shore Road, 3/4 of a mile West of CR 155. The bird was observed eating a frog, on one of the small mud flats at that location. Sharp-shinned Hawk Rough-legged Hawk American Kestrel Eastern Bluebird - Carver Park Reserve American Robin Snow Bunting - Lake Waconia Regional park Rusty Blackbird - In with large flock of Blackbirds along Salem Road, 1. 5 miles North of Highway 212. Red Crossbill - Five were observed at the Cemetery, 1/4 mile West of Yale Ave, on the South side of CR 34. White-winged Crossbill - 20+, Were observed at Trinity Lutheran Cemetery in Waconia. Which is located 1/4 mile South of Birch Street, along the East side of Main Street, in Waconia. Both the Red Crossbill's and White-winged Crossbill's were observed feeding in the tops of White Spruce tree's. Craig Mandel Minnetonka, Hennepin County
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