Dr. Robert Zink, Bell Museum and Dept. of Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior,
U of M

Bird Populations vs. Manmade Threats

Avian biodiversity is threatened by various human factors with migratory
species especially at risk. Migratory birds frequently collide with manmade
structures. Such losses are believed to represent the main cause of human
induced mortality of North American birds. Dr. Zink will discuss the
relative vulnerability of bird populations to these threats based on his
recent controversial article.

*When: *Please join us from *7:00-7:30 pm *to socialize over cookies. A
brief business meeting and the featured speaker begin at *7:30 pm*. The
meeting will conclude before 9:00 pm.
Where: *Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center 3801
American Blvd E, Bloomington. Hwy 494 to 34th Ave – S to American Blvd;
turn left and go 2 blocks. Center will be on your right. Also accessible
via the Hiawatha Light Rail line; exit at the American Blvd. stop.

*Meetings are free and open to the public.  *Seating is limited, but we do
not anticipate any problems.  Questions, please, call me at 612-978-3993.

Steve Weston
On Quigley Lake in Eagan, MN

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