On 1/31/2013 7:59 AM, Bob Bystrom wrote:
Kare 11 news team members commented after reporting the cats and birds story at 
5 p.m.  One of the team advised that she lets her cats roam and that neighbors 
sometimes objected.  The other noted that he had never seen a cat kill a bird.  
Both speculated that most of the killing is probably being done by feral cats 
and that in the absence of cat predation, birds might become overabundant.  One 
also mentioned that some people believe the study and its numbers are biased in 
the birds' favor.

Bob Bystrom

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This only shows how un informed people are about cat predation. IMO cats should be kept indoors at all times and feral cats should be euthanized . Cats are predators from birth it is part of their genetic makeup. It is not something that neutering will fix. There is only one solution for free roaming cats at the is high velocity lead.

Rick Holbrook
Fargo, ND

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