Milt Blomberg and I just got back from a two day bird outing through
Morrison,Cass, Hubbard,Beltrami, Itasca and Koochiching Counties. Birds of
note: 2 Great Gray Owls 1/2 mile South of Blackduck on the West side of the
road and a Northern Hawk Owl on the end of County Road 30 which goes West
out of Big Falls and North a 1/4 mile on a logging road.. We picked up Hoary
Redpolls in Koochiching, Itaska, Beltrami, and Hubbard Counties. It was
windy, snowy, and hazy today but we did come up with 19 species in
Koochiching. Milt fared better on his Koochiching County listing and I only
gained one. A Northern Shrike. We had a good time talking to the lady who
ran the convenience store in Big Falls and she was excited to talk about all
the Great Gray Owl sitings and a local Boreal Owl (in rehab now). Also, a
pulp truck driver directed us to a couple owls but the weather didn't
cooperate with either report. Beyond this we stopped in to see an elderly
lady who lives in the outbacks, alone with her 2 dogs, birds, and deer. Milt
remarked on her monastic lifestyle and how comfortable her little cottage
was. She is at peace with all her surroundings. I did go to Koochiching to
get a Great Gray but I failed 7 years in a row. I'll try next year.

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