The Short-eared Owl reported by Julian Sellers yesterday was seen again
early this afternoon by the MOU group led by Kevin Smith.  We were a small
group of four hardy birders who had started out at Miesville Ravine at 8:00
and then birded Lake Byllesby before heading to the Great Western
Industrial Park.

While we were scanning the north pond the owl suddenly flew up from the
grass right in front of us.  It headed across the pond and landed in the
open field where we were able to get good looks with our scopes.  (I'll
post a photo on the MOU Showcase later.)  Kevin went to notify other
birders in the area, but by the time they arrived the bird had relocated to
a clump of long grass on the NE corner.  Nevertheless, it was still fairly
visible through the scopes.

Other birds found in the industrial park (besides waterfowl in the
pond) were a Swainson's Hawk, two Rough-legged Hawks (one dark phase),
several flocks of Lapland Longspurs, Horned Larks, Eastern Meadowlarks,
American Tree Sparrows, and a Savannah Sparrow.

Gerry Hoekstra

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