Saturday in western LQP county was a cool sunny day with 7" of recent snow 
still on the ground. Most wetlands had some open water with large areas still 
covered with ice.
Two Forester's Terns west of Hutchinson
11 A. Kestrels along the way
12 Killdeer along the way
Mostly White-fronted Geese flying but some Snow's and Canada Geese
Sweetwater WMA and Farrell WPA cnty rds 9 and 12 4,000-5,000 ducks and geese
3,000 + White-fronted Geese
120 Cackling Geese
1 Common Goldeneye
100's of Mallards
BW and GW Teal
A few N. Shovelers and Wood Ducks
Ring-hecked Ducks and some Scaup
Only a few Canvasbacks
Salt Lake
2 Trumpeter Swans and one Gadwall
Haydenville WMA 5,000-6,000 ducks and geese
4,000 + Malllards
152 male Pintail
Mix of other ducks
Driving rural roads
1 Hermit Thrush
127 Meadowlarks
Many flocks of A. Tree Sparrows and Dark-eyed Juncos, Common Grackles and 
Red-winged BB
6 Bald Eagles
5 Red-tailed Hawks
1 Copper's Hawk
1 E. Phoebe
Song, Fox, Chipping, Savannah Sparrows
Snow Buntings, Lapland Longsprus, Horned Larks
No shorebirds yet. No Ruddy Ducks.
Ken Larson

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