Please excuse the tardy post; I was unable to reach friends near computers.
Some time before 5 PM today, my husband Rob and I were en route home and
decided to check on the status of 140th St. Marsh, as Roger Everhart has
suggested. Feeding in waters right beside the road was an Ibis, either
White-faced or Glossy.

Given the rain and low light, the differential facial/eye colors were not
the brightest, but the overall impression was that colors were pinkish,
suggesting White-faced. (Our only other experience with this species is
from a refuge out west in the bright sun of summer, and last year's bird at
Old Cedar Avenue Bridge.)

Despite our remaining in the car and turning off the engine, the bird grew
apprehensive after a moment or two, and flew up across the marsh east, then
circled north and counter-clockwise, south. It appeared to want to return
for feeding, so we departed in hopes it would return. I asked Steve Weston,
who was out and about, to try to re-locate it on his way home for
confirmation of ID.

Other special finds for us today were the Eared Grebe at L. Byllesby, which
(my) Rob spotted, and nearby, the Cinnamon Teal (pair, I think) and 2
Marbled Godwits feeding in a farm-field wet area at the SW intersection of
hwy 56 and Scotia Trail. Our thanks goes to Jim Otto for having pointed out
the teal to Rob Daves last week, and to Rob Daves, with whom we birded
today, for showing us the exact spot.

We saw other lovely birds, most of them familiar to us, but at the 180th
St. Marsh there was a trio that puzzled, because they gave only a brief
fly-by look, before dropping out of the high wind, into the marsh grass. I
think they were a Tern species, based on their shape and their pattern of
flight over the water. They were small to medium in size, and medium gray,
mostly overall in color, both upper and lower body. They did not seem like
the Black Terns I've seen there in the past. If anyone else saw Terns there
today, I'd love to hear about it.

Linda Whyte

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