At Lakewood Cemetery (on Lake Byllesby) late this morning I found an
Orange-crowned Warbler amid a bunch of Yellow-rumped Warblers.

I also had brief glimpses of the Willet and American Avocet that others
have reported.  They were on the sandbars across the lake; both were
elusive, and it was only luck and patience that gave me these looks.

Afterward I stopped at the County Park on the west end and at the boat ramp
on the south side as well.  I found Horned Grebes and Wilson’s Phalaropes
in all three locations, five of the latter on the south side.  No luck with
Eared Grebe though.  Three Ospreys were soaring over the west end of the
lake and 200+ American White Pelicans sat out on the sandbars, along with
Bonaparte’s, Franklin’s, and Ring-billed Gulls (I saw only one Herring
Gull).  The lake still hosts a lot of ducks of various species, but
Green-winged Teals and Northern Shovelers are most numerous.

The Cinnamon x Blue-winged Teal hybrid that I reported a couple of weeks
ago SW of Sciota Trail and MN 56 was not there this morning, but others saw
him over the weekend, so it’s worth checking.

Gerry Hoekstra


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