Not a good report since it was hit by a car at the intersection of Hwy 27
and Hwy 238 just West of Little Falls. I have found Lond-eared Owls a few
miles South of there on hwy 238 and it may be from that group. It must have
been very hungry to be hunting that late since I usually find them when it
is a little darker out. I ran out to try to save it but it died soon after
impact (someone else's car). At first I thought it was a Short-eared by the
flight and I got excited because I do not have that species for Morrison. I
have 4 different areas I have found Long-eared owls in the county so they
are not on my radar. Our school is getting plenty specimens this year with
two Boreal, 1 Long-Eared, a few Barred and a Snowy. Milt Blomberg has
trouble keeping up with registering them with the D.N.R so we can use them
for education purposes. I don't like seeing this many owl deaths for such a
small area. The long winter (Is winter a season or a condition?) and heavy
snow has really stressed these birds.

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