At 7:15 p.m. on 4/25/13, I birded 180th Street marsh for about 45 minutes.
the following were seen:
-American Bittern: seen in the southwestern pond about 50 feet from road. It 
was actively feeding. After about 30 minutes it flew farther back and out of 
sight into the taller cattails

Other birds that were seen:
Virginia rail: 2 seen in vicinity of bittern
Wilson's phalarope: 4 seen in southeastern pool
hundreds of coots
canada goose: 4
Northern Pintail- 1
lesser scaup
bufflehead- around 15
ring necked duck
wood duck
blue winged teal
northern shoveler
brewers blackbird: about 15 sitting on power lines with red winged blackbirds
pied billed grebe: 2

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