This years Salt Lake Birding Weekend had possibly the best weather experienced 
for this event. Clear skies with temperatures in the upper 70's but few wood 
ticks or mosquitos. On Saturday over 80 birders surveyed Lac qui Parle County 
and located 135 different species of birds. Added to the weekend total were 
American Pipit on Friday and 6 new birds on Sunday, Stilt Sandpiper, Smith's 
Longspur, N. Rough-winged Swallow, Trumpeter Swan, Barred Owl and a 
Wester-Clark's hybrid (found at Salt Lake), for a total of 142.
Because of the late migration this year migrating Snow and White-fronted Geese 
were still present and for the 1st time small flocks of Red Polls were found 
and a Snow Bunting. Usually present at this time of year but not found were 
Eared Grebes which nest on Salt Lake and sparrows such as White-crowned, 
Lincoln's, and Harris's.
Highlights for the weekend include the eight American Avocets often viewed 
close to the road and two White-faced Ibis's. Six Black-crowned Night-Herons 
were found at Bolson Slough WPA and 1/2 mile west four Short-eared Owls were 
seen. Sunday eleven Western Grebes were on Salt Lake as well as the Clark's 
hybrid. 21 shorebird species were found including both Gotwits, Long-billed 
Dowitcher, Willet, A. Golden Plover, Dunlin, and Wilson's Phalarope. Other 
interesting birds include  a Ferruginous Hawk soaring over Marietta found by 
Steve Weston, four Swainson's Hawks, Merlins, three Loggerhead Shrikes, and a 
single Sandhill Crane found by Jason Frank two miles west of Prairie Marsh 
Farm. The most notable birds found were the Great-tailed Grackle, the 
Chestnut-collared Longspur and the 13 Smith's Longspurs. The Smith's Longspurs 
were found Sunday by Linda and Rob Whyte. All three were found near the south 
part of Farrell WPA 1 mile south of county road 12 and 1 mile west of county 
road 9.
All the birders involved extend thanks to the City of Marietta and the American 
Legion for breakfast and lunch and to the City of Madison and the Sons of 
Norway for dinner. Any one wishing a complete list can email me directly.
Ken Larson
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