This afternoon, Tuesday April 30 I observed two rafts of ruddy ducks on Lake 
Phalen in St. Paul.  There were 34 Ruddy's in one raft,  The other raft was 
across the lake and difficult to count, but there were at least 60 Ruddy ducks 
in all.  There was also a raft of 30 coots, perhaps 20 common mergansers 
scattered about. two or three loons and a few (3 or 4) mallards.  Bill Dancer 
in St. Paul

> Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2013 00:03:36 -0500
> From:
> Subject: MOU-NET Digest - 28 Apr 2013 to 29 Apr 2013 (#2013-116)
> There are 27 messages totalling 903 lines in this issue.
> Topics of the day:
>   1. Mockingbird - Duluth
>   2. June Birding festival - all-inclusive; Early Bird deadline ends May 1! 
> (2)
>   3. Smith's Longspur, Cattle Egrets, and other migrants in Wilkin-Otter
>      Tail-Grant counties
>   4. Southern Clay Co.
>   5. Diving Horned Grebe Photos
>   6. Rice Paddies
>   7. Fw: [mou-net] Glossy Ibis - Nicolett (2)
>   8. Park Point Surf Scoter Bonaparte's Gulls more
>   9. <No subject given>
>  10. Marbled Godwit - Fillmore Co.
>  11. Nicollet Co ibis
>  12. Lac Qui Parle/Salt Lake Weekend; Smith's Longspurs
>  13. Eared Grebe, Princeton
>  14. Glossy Ibis ?--Swan Lake south
>  15. Foy RBgrosbeak McLeod cty
>  16. Marbled Godwit - Fillmore Co. Address Correction
>  17. White-faced Ibis - Becker County
>  18. MOU Mentor Chair
>  19. Canvasback on White Bear Lake
>  20. 180th Street Marsh
>  21. Loggerhead Shrike still in Aitkin County
>  22. Willets - Ramsey Co.
>  23. glossy ibis nicollet
>  24. Putting out the Oriole Feeder & Estimated Arrival
>  25. Nicollet County Glossy Ibis
> ----
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> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Date:    Mon, 29 Apr 2013 07:26:57 -0500
> From:    David Benson <>
> Subject: Mockingbird - Duluth
> At around 6:30 this morning (4/29), on the harbor side of Minnesota
> Point, just south of the Duluth Rowing Club.
> Dave Benson
> Duluth
> ----
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> ------------------------------
> Date:    Mon, 29 Apr 2013 08:42:05 -0500
> From:    Laurie Fenner <>
> Subject: June Birding festival - all-inclusive; Early Bird deadline ends May 
> 1!
> /Audubon Center of the North Woods and Audubon Minnesota present/
> //
> *Birding Bonanza Weekend 
> <>*
> *
> June 7-9, 2013
> *
> /All-inclusive and commuter rates available/*- Early Bird discount ends 
> May 1st!
> ***
> Keynote speakers: Al Batt and Stan Tekiela.
> The rich biological diversity of Pine County and the surrounding area 
> provide a bonanza of birding opportunities for experienced birders and 
> those just getting started. The Audubon Center of the North Woods is 
> located in a unique transition zone where the eastern deciduous forest 
> meets the northern conifer forest, and where pockets of the western 
> prairie can be found.The terrestrial diversity is matched by the aquatic 
> plethora of rivers, lakes, bogs and marshes. This first-class weekend 
> birding festival gives participants a chance to visit a wide variety of 
> habitats that support myriad bird species.
> Over 225 bird species have been spotted at the Audubon Center property 
> alone and during this weekend, participants have the possibility to 
> identify many of Minnesota's Stewardship Birds, as recently identified 
> by Audubon Minnesota.Stewardship birds are defined as bird species where 
> Minnesota contains 5% or more of the bird's global breeding population.
> 11 of the 12 MN Stewardship Bird species are regulars to the area:
> ·American Woodcock
> ·Baltimore Oriole
> ·Black-billed Cuckoo
> ·Chestnut-Sided Warbler
> ·Golden-Winged Warbler
> ·Nashville Warbler
> ·Rose-Breasted Grosbeak
> ·Sedge Wren
> ·Trumpeter Swan
> ·Bobolink
> ·Veery
> With field trips led by seasoned guides, engaging on-site workshops, 
> bird banding sessions, a live raptor presentation, renowned keynote 
> speakers, delicious homemade meals and comfortable accommodations, this 
> festival is birding at its best. We invite you to join us for a fun and 
> memorable weekend. Sign up today and take advantage of our "Early Bird" 
> special!
> All-inclusive (food, lodging, programming) and commuter rates are available
> Free WiFi is available center-wide.
> EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT - register and pay in full by May 1, 2013 and take 
> 10% off regular rates
> For more info or to register, call 888-404-7743 or visit 
> -- 
> -- 
> */Laurie Fenner
> /*Marketing Coordinator
> Audubon Center of the North Woods
> PO Box 530, Sandstone, MN 55072
> 320-245-2648, Fax: 320-245-5272
> fenner@audubon-center.org_ <>
> /Follow us on Facebook at
> ----
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> ------------------------------
> Date:    Mon, 29 Apr 2013 09:47:54 -0500
> From:    Kim R Eckert <>
> Subject: Smith's Longspur, Cattle Egrets, and other migrants in Wilkin-Otter 
> Tail-Grant counties
> During the April 27-28 Minn Birding Weekend (MBW) in NE Wilkin, W Otter =
> Tail, and NW Grant (briefly) counties, we found a lone, cooperative, =
> breeding-plumaged male Smith's Longspur on Saturday afternoon along =
> Wilkin CR 15, 1 mi W and 1.5 mi S of Lawndale.
> Also of note this weekend:
> - There were thousands (perhaps tens of 1000s) of northbound waterfowl =
> filling the skies in NE Wilkin Co on Saturday morning. Most of these =
> were Gr White-fronted & Snow geese (with several Ross's among them, but =
> only 3 Cackling Geese) and Tundra Swans; conservatively, I =
> estimated/calculated we saw 9,000+ swans. However, there was little or =
> no movement of waterfowl on Saturday afternoon and Sunday.=20
> - Greater Scaup were unusually widespread, being seen at several =
> locations; usually this species is rare in wetlands of the prairie =
> pothole region. Similarly, Horned Grebes were seen at many places, even =
> though not a single Eared Grebe was found, and we unexpectedly saw more =
> Bonaparte's Gulls than Franklin's.
> - Two Cattle Egrets were found yesterday by the grain elevators in =
> Wendell, Grant Co.
> - Almost surprisingly, given how many ibis are being reported elsewhere, =
> we were unable to turn up any White-faced Ibis during the main MBW. =
> However, en route to meeting the group on Friday, Dave Johnson saw a few =
> ibis along Hwy 27 a few miles E of Wheaton, Traverse Co, and Barb & =
> Denny Martin had one along Traverse CR 9 just N of CR 10. Also, a few of =
> us relocated those 2 White-faced Ibis late Sunday afternoon in Becker Co =
> along 330th St, =BD mi E of Hwy 59.
> - There was a strong movement of raptors, mostly on Saturday afternoon =
> in Wilkin Co. In all, we saw a total of 13 species, including 4 =
> Peregrines plus 2 other large, unidentified falcons. =20
> - Migrant passerines were few and far between: e.g., we saw <10 =
> individual warblers all weekend (Orange-crowneds and Yellow-rumpeds). =
> However, a few Com Redpolls were still present in open country away from =
> towns/feeders.                                                           =
>                                                                          =
>                                                                          =
>          =20
> Kim R Eckert
> ----
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> Date:    Mon, 29 Apr 2013 10:12:30 -0500
> From:    Rick <>
> Subject: Southern Clay Co.
> I was out early this morning and the Greater Prairie Chickens are out in 
> force.  There were also great numbers of migrating waterfowl which had 
> overnited in the drainage ditches.  I would guess about 500 to 1000 
> Swans with Snow Geese and Blue front mixed in also about 100 Northern 
> Shovelers these were seen between 140th St and 150St on 170th Ave. 
> there is a drainage ditch running sort of NM to SE and it was full of 
> Swans and Geese
> -- 
>  > --
>  > Rick Holbrook
>  > Fargo, ND
>  > N 46.887579
>  > W -96.804968
>  >
>  >
>  > Remember the USS Liberty
>  >
> ----
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> Date:    Mon, 29 Apr 2013 10:19:48 -0500
> From:    dan&erika <>
> Subject: Diving Horned Grebe Photos
> Good Morning=97
> Last week I photographed a very cooperative Horned Grebe as it dove into
> Lake Byllesby, Dakota Co.  Today I posted these photos on my blog:
> --=20
> Dan or Erika Tallman
> Northfield, Minnesota
> The White Album: Portraits of Minnesota
> Birds<
> -birds-dan-t>
> Two Years Among the Odonates <
> >
> ".... the best shod travel with wet feet...Beware of all enterprises that
> require new clothes ....=94=97H. D. Thoreau; "Back off, man. I'm a
> scientist."=97Dr. Peter Venkman
> ----
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> Date:    Mon, 29 Apr 2013 10:19:34 -0500
> From:    Kelly Larson <>
> Subject: Rice Paddies
> I returned from a two day trip to the cities late Saturday night to find =
> that spring had finally arrived in the Northwoods. A trip up to the =
> paddies north of Clearbrook in Clearwater county on Sunday netted 85 =
> species including 20 species of waterfowl. There is still some snow and =
> ice on the paddies and they have not started flooding the fields - but a =
> few spots held enough melt water to accommodate a respectable number of =
> anxious ducks, geese and swans. A single flock of what I believe where =
> Forester's Tern coursed over the distant reaches of open water. Hawks =
> were plentiful and a beautiful Swainson's was a highlight. Male N. =
> Harrier's were performing aerial breeding displays. Pied-billed, Horned =
> and Western Grebe were also present. Sparrows made an excellent showing =
> including incredible numbers of Fox and Junco. (There were probable =
> several hundred Fox here at the Bagley farm alone!) White-crowned, =
> White-throated, Savannah, Tree, Swamp, Lincoln's and Song. One Yr =
> Warbler, a few Gc Kinglet, Brown Creeper and a Loggerhead Shrike. =
> Blackbirds were found scouring the stubble in dry paddy fields in large =
> numbers and included Red-winged, Yellow-headed, Brewers, Grackle, =
> Cowbird, and Meadowlark. A few covey of Sharp-tailed Grouse, a pair of =
> Marbled Godwit, a smattering of G and L Yellowlegs and a single Wilson's =
> Snipe were found. Sandhill Cranes provided a wonderful musical score =
> throughout the afternoon. Notable misses were Phoebe and Bluebird. A =
> Phoebe is singing in the yard this morning, so he must have arrived =
> overnight.
> Kelly Larson & Carl Newman
> Northern Flights Farm
> Clearwater County
> Bagley, Minnesota
> Eschew Obfuscation!
> The middle of Nowhere is Somewhere!
> ----
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> ------------------------------
> Date:    Mon, 29 Apr 2013 08:36:22 -0700
> From:    roy zimmerman <>
> Subject: Fw: [mou-net] Glossy Ibis - Nicolett
> Glossy ibis still present at 10:30 this morning.
> Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android
> ----
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> Date:    Mon, 29 Apr 2013 10:40:46 -0500
> From:    sparky stensaas <>
> Subject: Park Point Surf Scoter Bonaparte's Gulls more
> Monday morning
> Park Point Duluth
> 1000s of ducks and icebergs on bay side of Park Point ball fields.
> Just a few highlights...I have to get to work!
> adult male Surf Scoter
> dozen Bonaparte's Gulls
> Tern...didn't ID
> over 100 Horned Grebes
> Wigeon
> N Shoveler
> Orange-crowned Warbler
> ...and much more!
> Sparky Stensaas
>                                         =
> ----
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> Date:    Mon, 29 Apr 2013 09:13:35 -0700
> From:    roy zimmerman <>
> Subject: <No subject given>
> I watched the ibis for ten minutes then slowly got out of my car.=A0 I took=
>  one lousy photo, set my scope up and got a brief, very good look through m=
> y scope, then it flew calling beyond the trees to the SE.=A0 No trace of wh=
> ite or red on the face.=A0 I believe it is a glossy.=0A=0ASent from Yahoo! =
> Mail on Android=0A=0A
> ----
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> Date:    Mon, 29 Apr 2013 11:49:36 -0500
> From:    Andrew Nyhus <>
> Subject: Marbled Godwit - Fillmore Co.
> There is a flooded pasture a half mile west of Highway 63 on 100 Street
> that has 17 Marbled Godwits and 19 Willets. Yesterday there were two
> American Golden Plover at this same location.
> Andrew Nyhus
> ----
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> Date:    Mon, 29 Apr 2013 11:07:47 -0700
> From:    roy zimmerman <>
> Subject: Re: Nicollet Co ibis
> Several of us looking at the bird again at 1pm.=A0 Perfect light.=A0 This t=
> ime I believe I got some diagnostic photos.=A0 I will submit for expert ana=
> lysis later today.=0A=0ASent from Yahoo! Mail on Android=0A=0A
> ----
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> Date:    Mon, 29 Apr 2013 11:16:21 -0700
> From:    roy zimmerman <>
> Subject: Re: Fw: [mou-net] Glossy Ibis - Nicolett
> =0AThe ibis is at the location posted yesterday.=A0 Front lawn of home at N=
>  access to Swan Lake, CR 4.=0ASent from Yahoo! Mail on Android=0A=0A
> ----
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> Date:    Mon, 29 Apr 2013 13:58:06 -0500
> From:    linda whyte <>
> Subject: Lac Qui Parle/Salt Lake Weekend; Smith's Longspurs
> We are still catching up at home, after another fantastic Salt Lake Birding
> Festival. The weather offered warm days and cool nights, clear and almost
> insect-free, even of ticks. As always, the hospitality and geniality was
> unparalleled. Although we've had an atypical spring with delayed migration,
> there were indeed many species there.
> Rob and I saw over 70 species, including 11 FOY for me, some of them
> life-birds. Some favorites  seen were Wilson's Phalarope, Marbled Godwit,
> American Golden Plover, Ferruginous Hawk, Eared Grebe, Franklin's Gull, and
> Smith's Longspur.
> The Smith's were especially fun, a beautiful life-species Rob and I
> happened across when looking instead for some Chestnut-collared Longspurs
> that Jason, a local guide, had seen earlier that morning. Habitat, sound,
> and behavior pointed to Longspurs but we quickly realized "these are not
> the (birds) you are looking for", and checked the Sibley for ID. Their
> close proximity to the road and their general fearlessness gave us some
> great looks.
> Luckily, fellow birders were still down the road close by; Rob stayed on
> site to deal with the challenge of keeping the birds in view, while I drove
> back to Steve Weston and others in the party. Steve alerted our host, Ken
> Larson, too. With team effort everyone got good looks at both genders of
> the Smith's Longspurs.
> Our thanks goes out to Ken and Mary Lou, Steve, Jason, the local people who
> made the meals possible, and all those who shared their sightings. This
> festival is one to put on your calendar for next year.
> Linda Whyte
> ----
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> Date:    Mon, 29 Apr 2013 14:18:31 -0500
> From:    Al Schirmacher <>
> Subject: Eared Grebe, Princeton
> Eared Grebe, Princeton sewage (CR 2)  ponds, amidst many Horned & waterfowl i=
> n general.
> Five Franklin's Gulls on Lake Fremont, north of Zimmerman on 169.
> 90 species in northern Sherburne, southern Mille Lacs area last three days, i=
> ncluding eleven year birds.  Good mix of waterfowl & sparrows.  Still only o=
> ne warbler.
> Al Schirmacher
> Princeton, MN
> Sent from my iPhone=
> ----
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> Date:    Mon, 29 Apr 2013 14:40:12 -0500
> From:    Laurie Fenner <>
> Subject: June Birding festival - all-inclusive; Early Bird deadline ends May 
> 1!
> The original email I sent may have been too long?  I've shortened it per 
> below, if the original one was too long to send to list:
> /Audubon Center of the North Woods and Audubon Minnesota present
> /
> *Birding Bonanza Weekend 
> <>**- June 7-9, 2013 
> *at the Audubon Center of the North Woods*
> *
> /All-inclusive and commuter rates available/*- Early Bird discount ends 
> May 1st!*
> ****
> Keynote speakers: Al Batt and Stan Tekiela.
> With field trips led by seasoned guides, engaging on-site workshops, 
> bird banding sessions, a live raptor presentation, renowned keynote 
> speakers, delicious homemade meals and comfortable accommodations, this 
> festival is birding at its best. We invite you to join us for a fun and 
> memorable weekend. Sign up today and take advantage of our "Early Bird" 
> special!
> All-inclusive (food, lodging, programming) and commuter rates are available
> EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT - register and pay in full by May 1, 2013 and take 
> 10% off regular rates
> For more info or to register, call 888-404-7743 or visit 
> */Laurie Fenner
> /*Marketing Coordinator
> Audubon Center of the North Woods
> PO Box 530, Sandstone, MN 55072
> 320-245-2648, Fax: 320-245-5272
> fenner@audubon-center.org_ <>
> /Follow us on Facebook at
> ----
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> Date:    Mon, 29 Apr 2013 15:09:19 -0500
> From:    Hoeger-Lerdal <>
> Subject: Glossy Ibis ?--Swan Lake south
> I did not see the Nicollet Cty. Swan Lake CR 4 north boat access Glossy =
> Ibis today when I arrived about 11:30 am,
> but at 12:30 on the South side of Swan Lake at the Nicollet Bay public =
> boat access (471st Ln?),
> there were 6 Ibis feeding around an island in the channel about 100 =
> yards looking north from the boat
> dock.=20
> Five were White-faced, with distinct white borders surrounding a pinkish =
> face, but the 6th Ibis had a very
> thin whitish-bluish border around a dark grayish face. The iris on this =
> bird also appeared darker.
> The legs were all basically submerged.
> They all flew off to the west when a canoeist paddled by.
> (Of course, now a little later when I get home, I read the north Glossy =
> has returned---could these be
> the same bird?)
> Pete Hoeger, Hutchinson=
> ----
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> ------------------------------
> Date:    Mon, 29 Apr 2013 15:30:26 -0500
> From:    Paul & Koni Fank <>
> Subject: Foy RBgrosbeak McLeod cty
> SSBhbSBhdCBteSBzaXN0ZXJzIGluIEh1dGNoaW5zb24gYW5kIHRoZXkgaGF2ZSBhIHJvc2UgYnJl
> YXN0ZWQgR3Jvc2JlYWsgYXQgdGhlIGZlZWRlcnMuCktvbmkgRmFuawoKU2VudCBmcm9tIG15IFZl
> cml6b24gV2lyZWxlc3MgNEcgTFRFIERST0lE
> ------------------------------
> Date:    Mon, 29 Apr 2013 15:49:47 -0500
> From:    Carl Greiner <>
> Subject: Re: Marbled Godwit - Fillmore Co. Address Correction
> As of 3:00 they were still there (although I counted 13 Godwits and 20
> Willets, there could be more) along with a dozen or so Pectoral Sandpipers.
> There is 1 major change, the pond is on 200 STREET not 100. 
> Thanks Andy for posting these guys! 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Minnesota Birds [mailto:MOU-NET@LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Andrew
> Nyhus
> Sent: Monday, April 29, 2013 11:50 AM
> Subject: [mou-net] Marbled Godwit - Fillmore Co.
> There is a flooded pasture a half mile west of Highway 63 on 100 Street that
> has 17 Marbled Godwits and 19 Willets. Yesterday there were two American
> Golden Plover at this same location.
> Andrew Nyhus
> ----
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> Date:    Mon, 29 Apr 2013 21:10:53 +0000
> From:    "Voz, John - NRCS-NGO, Detroit Lakes, MN" <>
> Subject: Re: White-faced Ibis - Becker County
> The 2 White-faced Ibis in Becker County were still present as of 3:30pm Mon=
> day.  The location is 0.5 miles east of State Highway 59 along a "s" curve.=
>   The 2 birds were in a mudflat basin south of the road on the far south si=
> de on the WPA.
> Voz
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Minnesota Birds [mailto:MOU-NET@LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Kim R Eck=
> ert
> Sent: Monday, April 29, 2013 9:48 AM
> Subject: [mou-net] Smith's Longspur, Cattle Egrets, and other migrants in W=
> ilkin-Otter Tail-Grant counties
> During the April 27-28 Minn Birding Weekend (MBW) in NE Wilkin, W Otter Tai=
> l, and NW Grant (briefly) counties, we found a lone, cooperative, breeding-=
> plumaged male Smith's Longspur on Saturday afternoon along Wilkin CR 15, 1 =
> mi W and 1.5 mi S of Lawndale.
> Also of note this weekend:
> - There were thousands (perhaps tens of 1000s) of northbound waterfowl fill=
> ing the skies in NE Wilkin Co on Saturday morning. Most of these were Gr Wh=
> ite-fronted & Snow geese (with several Ross's among them, but only 3 Cackli=
> ng Geese) and Tundra Swans; conservatively, I estimated/calculated we saw 9=
> ,000+ swans. However, there was little or no movement of waterfowl on Satur=
> day afternoon and Sunday.
> - Greater Scaup were unusually widespread, being seen at several locations;=
>  usually this species is rare in wetlands of the prairie pothole region. Si=
> milarly, Horned Grebes were seen at many places, even though not a single E=
> ared Grebe was found, and we unexpectedly saw more Bonaparte's Gulls than F=
> ranklin's.
> - Two Cattle Egrets were found yesterday by the grain elevators in Wendell,=
>  Grant Co.
> - Almost surprisingly, given how many ibis are being reported elsewhere, we=
>  were unable to turn up any White-faced Ibis during the main MBW. However, =
> en route to meeting the group on Friday, Dave Johnson saw a few ibis along =
> Hwy 27 a few miles E of Wheaton, Traverse Co, and Barb & Denny Martin had o=
> ne along Traverse CR 9 just N of CR 10. Also, a few of us relocated those 2=
>  White-faced Ibis late Sunday afternoon in Becker Co along 330th St, =BD mi=
>  E of Hwy 59.
> - There was a strong movement of raptors, mostly on Saturday afternoon in W=
> ilkin Co. In all, we saw a total of 13 species, including 4 Peregrines plus=
>  2 other large, unidentified falcons.
> - Migrant passerines were few and far between: e.g., we saw <10 individual =
> warblers all weekend (Orange-crowneds and Yellow-rumpeds). However, a few C=
> om Redpolls were still present in open country away from towns/feeders.
> Kim R Eckert
> ----
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> This electronic message contains information generated by the USDA solely f=
> or the intended recipients. Any unauthorized interception of this message o=
> r the use or disclosure of the information it contains may violate the law =
> and subject the violator to civil or criminal penalties. If you believe you=
>  have received this message in error, please notify the sender and delete t=
> he email immediately.
> ----
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> Date:    Mon, 29 Apr 2013 16:25:50 -0500
> From:    Al Schirmacher <>
> Subject: MOU Mentor Chair
> Could the MOU mentor chair contact me again to get my kit to you?
> Please pardon the post.
> Al Schirmacher
> Princeton, MN
> Sent from my iPhone
> ----
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> Date:    Mon, 29 Apr 2013 22:29:40 +0000
> From:
> Subject: Canvasback on White Bear Lake
> Canvasback, Redhead, Ruddy, Scaup, Mallard =C2=A0and Ring-billed Ducks, Ear=
> ed Grebes, Canada Geese =C2=A0and Coots today at 2:30 on partly open White =
> Bear Lake in Ramsey county near Clark Ave and Lake Ave.=20
> Dick Miller
> ----
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> Date:    Mon, 29 Apr 2013 17:45:17 -0500
> From:    Linda Krueger <>
> Subject: 180th Street Marsh
> I was able to photograph both the Virginia Rail and the Sora at the 180th
> Street Marsh in Dakota County today.  Also, counted 15 Yellow-headed
> Blackbirds.  I did not hear the Least Bittern the two times I was there
> today.
> ----
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> Date:    Mon, 29 Apr 2013 17:51:42 -0500
> From:    Herb Dingmann <>
> Subject: Loggerhead Shrike still in Aitkin County
> Ron Erpelding just called and said he was looking at the Loggerhead Shrike 
> that Warren Nelson reported yesterday.  The location
> is about 7 1/2 miles north of Aitkin along County Road 1.
> Herb Dingmann 
> ----
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> Date:    Mon, 29 Apr 2013 19:04:03 -0500
> From:    Erik Collins <>
> Subject: Willets - Ramsey Co.
> This evening there were seven Willets on White Bear Lake at Lake Ave./Stewar=
> t Ave.  A scope was necessary to see them.  Elsewhere on the lake were 19 Gr=
> eater Yellowlegs near the county beach on Highway 96.
> Erik Collins
> Shoreview, MN
> ----
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> Date:    Mon, 29 Apr 2013 19:38:29 -0500
> From:    jerry pruett <>
> Subject: glossy ibis nicollet
> glossy still present 6:45pm feeding near rock pile in yard on north side of
> lake as reported earlier.
> -jerry pruett
> ----
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> Date:    Mon, 29 Apr 2013 21:09:29 -0500
> From:    "Fr. Paul Kammen" <>
> Subject: Putting out the Oriole Feeder & Estimated Arrival
> Quite sad to see our forecast the next few days, but hopefully no snow th=
> at=20
> sticks and back to 65 in a week. Thankfully weathermen never lie.=20
> In the lousy winter of 2011, there were snow flurries on May 1st, and whe=
> n I got=20
> back to the rectory after Mass an Oriole had arrived and was enjoying an=20=
> orange.=20
> I just put out my Oriole feeders tonight at the office and rectory, and a=
> s a newer=20
> birder I'm wondering if they tend to follow the same arrival dates or if =
> it will be=20
> delayed due to our colder "spring." My guess is they will be hungry when =
> they=20
> get here so might as well put them out now. I haven't heard of any arriva=
> ls in=20
> Minnesota on here so I'm guessing it might be a bit, but it will be nice =
> to hear=20
> their song again and see the little orange and black guys enjoying the je=
> lly=20
> again.
> Just curious if anyone is joining me in putting out the feeders this week=
> .=20
> Good birding,
> Fr. Paul, Delano
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> Date:    Mon, 29 Apr 2013 22:35:38 -0500
> From:    Joel Claus <>
> Subject: Nicollet County Glossy Ibis
> Still present in the yard near the rock pile 7:30 - 7:50 PM this evening.  S=
> poke briefly with the home owner who said it had been there for several days=
> .  He'd been wondering what it was.
> Joel Claus
> Eden Prairie
> Sent from my iPad=
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