I searched for warblers this weekend in Winona county and found a few:
Yellow, Yellow-rumped, Palm, Northern Waterthrush, Common Yellowthroat,
Orange-crowned, and Nashville.  I suspect a few more will show up this next
week, as sparrows (Lincoln's, White-crowned, White-throated, Savannah,
Vesper, and Swamp) and waterfowl (Horned Grebe, Red-necked Grebe,  ducks
and mergansers) remain in good numbers and diversity.  FOY Baltimore
Oriole, Gray Catbird, Brown Thrasher, and Veery are at McNally Landing and
a very cooperative Gray-cheeked Thrush that allowed me to sit and
photograph it for 10 minutes yesterday afternoon and hoped down the trail
within 6 feet of me today!

Photos below.

Malcolm Gold (Stockton, Winona County)

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