Caleb Ashling and I did a brief run through the 180th st. marsh area in
Dakota Co. after work today, hoping for some shorebirds before the rain. We
saw some, but overall it was pretty slow. Highlights follow:

Flooded field on 210th st., (S of Vermillion, near it's intersection
w/Northfield Parkway):

4 American Golden-Plovers (one in fresh breeding plumage)
3 Solitary Sandpipers
10-15 Pectoral Sandpipers
1 Spotted Sandpiper
1 Palm Warbler, flitting around along a power line and looking out of place

180th St. Marsh

Many American Coots
1 nice looking adult Horned Grebe, full breeding plumage
2 Pied-billed Grebes
15-20 Yellow-headed Blackbirds
1 Eastern Kingbird

The farmers adjacent to the 180th st. marsh area were busy spraying and
working in the fields, lots of traffic near and along the road, might be
good to be cautious about your parking, etc. over the next few days.

Andy Forbes, Burnsville, Dakota Co.

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