The Hooded Warbler found yesterday in Grand Forks by me is on the North Dakota 
side,  Grand Forks County, not in MN. 

Vanessa Lane and I saw 3 of the Great Egrets in the 210 ditch today where they 
had been last week, but did not see the Snowy Egret, and were not aware of the 
roost site at the time so didn't check that area out.

Sandy Aubol
East Grand Forks,  MN
Polk County

-------- Original message --------
From: Bill Blackburn <> 
Date: 05/12/2013  7:50 PM  (GMT-06:00) 
Subject: [mou-net] Marshall and Polk Counties this past weekend. 

White-faced Ibis (7) continue at the Parnell Impoundment. Polk County 17 two 
miles East of US-75.  They are moving around a bit and may require a little 

LOGGERHEAD SHRIKE (2)  continue on Polk County 68 just west of Polk County 23 
but are unreliable

LAPLAND LONGSPUR continue in Polk, Pennington, and Marshall

Not relocated:

WHITE-FACED IBIS (1) at the Euclid East Impoundment.

Possibly relocated:

SNOWY EGRET (1) at the Agassiz Valley Project.  A small Egret was seen roosting 
in Polk County yesterday by another birder, but might have been a Cattle Egret. 
 The Egrets are no longer frequenting the 210 street ditch and I have yet to 
figure out where they are feeding during the day. Access to the roost site is 
at 210th street and 280 Ave in Marshall County. Roost tree is roughly one mile 
south near where the berm turns East.

New birds:

HOODED WARBLER reported on Sat 5/11/13 at the coulee in Grand Forks.  I am 
unsure which side of the state line this is on.  If it is in MN it would be in 
Polk County.  Details can be found on the Grand Cities Bird Club yahoo group.  
My non-email internet is down atm, so no link.  The groups website should be 
the first result on Google.  I haven’t personally seen this one but figured it 
was worth reporting.

Red-breasted Merganser (3) 2 miles East of Radium (Marshall) and 1 mile East of 

Greater White-fronted Goose (28) at the Agassiz Valley Project (Marshall)

American Bittern (3) in Marshall County

Spotted Sandpiper (1) Agassiz Valley Project (Polk)

Solitary Sandpiper (1) Agassiz Audubon Center (Polk)

Least Sandpiper (1) Agassiz Valley Project (Polk County)

Wilson’s Phalarope (28) at the Impoundment 2 miles East of Radium (Marshall 

Sora(2) in Polk County 1 mile East of Euclid

Gray Partridge (2) in Euclid

Eurasian Collared-dove (1) in Euclid

Red-bellied Woodpecker (1) at the Agassiz Audubon Center

Palm Warblers

Tennessee Warbler (1) in downtown Warren

Tree, Barn, Cliff Swallows

I’m sure I forgot a few.  Duck numbers are decreasing while shorebird numbers 
are increasing. Sorry for any typos.  Writing on a tablet with Auto-incorrect 
turned on. Feel to call if you are looking for specific birds.  404 316 8609

Bill Blackburn

Minnesota Audubon

Warren, Mn

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