St. Paul Audubon Warbler Weekend at Villa Maria, Frontenac, MN (Goodhue 
County) on May 10-12 was an exciting combination of fallout warblers, 
thrushes, and other passerines, and late holdover species such as Horned 
Grebe, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Dark-eyed Junco, and American Tree 
Sparrow.  Species included the first Redheads seen on the weekend in 42 
years (among 11 duck species), the second Golden Eagle, Trumpeter Swan, 
Willet, Tufted Titmouse, Orchard Oriole, American Bittern, Prothonotary 
Warbler, and Louisiana Waterthrush.  A total of 135 species were sighted 
including 24 warbler species.  Gray-cheeked Thrush fallout was quite unusual, 
and the wind kept canopy warblers on the ground or at eye level.  Some birds 
were almost oblivious of nearby observers in their zest to find food in the 
aftermath of 15+ inches of snow in the area.

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