First of Year birds seen today (Saturday) in Dakota County: Orchard Oriole - several seen at Blaine's oriole & tanager sanctuary near Farmington. One also seen at Lake Byllesby Indigo Bunting - heard near Blaine's Bobolink - several pairs seen at Great Western Ind. Park near Randolph. None were singing. Grasshopper Sparrow - seen at Great Western Ind. Park several quiet Empids also seen.
I noticed the access panel of my active wood duck house was ajar and discovered that it had been raided by an egg-eating predator. Seventeen eggs were counted last time, but I found only three (one Wood Duck and two Merganser) left intact. I cleaned them up and returned them to the repaired house, but I have small hope of them hatching. If they do survive, I trust the survivors will be too young to have been traumatized by the attack on their nest mates. Four days ago I heard my first treefrog, a gray treefrog, trilling around our yard. Tonight we had a full chorus of treefrogs, but I only heard Copes gray treefrog. We also had two climbing the glass by our front door. Steve Weston On Quigley Lake in Eagan, MN ---- Join or Leave mou-net: Archives: