I spent 6+ hours yesterday morning and early afternoon, birding along the west 
side of the Mississippi River in south St. Cloud.  I started near River Bluffs 
Regional Park off Clearwater Road, and made my way up to Beaver Island, on the 
south end of SCSU campus, with most of my time spent around the St. Cloud 
Country Club neighborhood.  There were lots of warblers and other neotrops - 
not the huge numbers we had a week ago, but a good mix and steady action.  The 
area provides an excellent mix of hardwoods, pine, flowering trees (lots of 
bugs), shrubby edges, tangled grape vine, snags, as well as more manicured 
properties that were devoid of birds except for cardinals, chipping sparrows, 
and other city birds.   I was so enthralled, I only consumed ONE cup of coffee 
all day.  Unheard of for me!
I had 19 species of warblers - I didn't think I'd find nearly that many, as the 
"action" in our part of MN has gone down a lot in the last couple of days.  
Lots of flycatchers, mostly least, but also great-crested, alder, eastern 
kingbird, and of course, phoebe.
Blue-gray gnatcatcher (lots)
Ruby-crowned kinglet
Swainson's thrush
Gray catbird
Cedar Waxwing
Indigo bunting
Baltimore oriole
Orchard Oriole
Rose-breasted grosbeak
LOTS of ruby-throated hummingbirds
LOTS of American goldfinches
Northern waterthrush
Black-and-white warbler
Tennessee warbler (lots)
Orange-crowned warbler
Nashville warbler
Common yellowthroat
American redstart (lots)
Cape May warbler (only 1)
Northern parula (only 1)
Magnolia warbler
Bay-breasted warbler
Blackburnian warbler
Yellow warbler (lots)
Chestnut-sided warbler
Blackpoll warbler
Palm warbler
NO yellow-rumped warblers
Black-throated green warbler
Canada warbler (only 1)
Wilson's warbler
Betsy Beneke
St. Cloud

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