
After at least two people contacted me about how to report banded Peruvian
shore birds they had seen, I discovered that the links in the original
posting are garbled.  The address for "banded" is  It has a button marked Report Sightings.  The address is  It is a Spanish
language site.  To get into it I had to right-click on an open area and ask
Bing to translate the given page.  However, I could not find any mail-tos on
that site.  The corbidi web site is a very interesting and informative site.
After exploring that site, I got back to the task of an e-mail address.
Patience and persistence took me to a University of Georgia discussion group
and to  Eveling Tavera Fernandez 's e-mail address



Stevan Hawkins
San Antonio TX

-----Original Message-----
From: Minnesota Birds [mailto:MOU-NET@LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of
Gelvin-Innvaer, Lisa A (DNR)
Sent: Monday, May 20, 2013 9:00 AM
Subject: [mou-net] requesting reports of Peru Banded Shorebirds

Forwarding request for sightings reports of  Shorebirds banded in Peru:
(see bottom of email for where to send reports)

Dear everyone,

We hope all of you are more than well. As we are in the middle of the
northwards migration, we would like you to know a little more about our
actual work with shorebirds in Peru. After 2 years of fieldwork in Paracas
National Reserve, we have banded 1680 shorebirds, between semipalmated and
western sandpipers, sanderlings and semipalmated plover. The 90% of our
captures were semipalmated and western sandpipers. But we also have banded
(2) red knots and few ruddy turnstones. We use an incoloy band in the right
tarsus and a yellow flag with red letters in the left leg.

Currently we are just waiting to see if anyone in the northern hemisphere is
seeing these individuals at any time and at any point.  It would be very
exciting for us to have any resighting, and we collaborate with:<> , but you can also feel free
to contact me directly if you see any of our marked individuals.

We are going to start another field campaign this coming October which will
last until March 2014. So we hope to continue gathering as much data as

Thank you very much for your time and please feel free to distribute this
flyer (attached) to anyone interested in shorebirds conservation.

Warmest regards,

BSc. Eveling Tavera Fernandez, Coordinadora Programa de Anillamiento CORBIDI
(PAC) CORBIDI - Sta Rita 105 of 202, Huertos de San Antonio Surco. Lima 33 -
Tel: (51-1) 3441701 Cel: (51-1) 975 598232

**** Para mayor informaciĆ³n sobre el Programa de Anillamiento de Aves en
Peru por favor visite:<> ****
**** For more information about the Banding Program in Peru please visit:<> ****

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