Minnesota River Valley Audubon Chapter 
Tettegouche State Park 
June 12, 13, 14, 2013
Field trip report
Just returned from a trip to Tettegouche State park.  Our group observed 19 of 
the resident Warbler species.  Plus a few of the other species found in Lake 
county, during the breeding season.  We spent time birding in Tettegouche State 
park, along the Heffelfinger road, FR 102 and the Stony River Forest Road.  
Plus we birded the Oberg Mountain loop, in Cook county.  Here are a few of the 
species we observed on the trip:
Note, all sighting were in Lake county.  With the exception of the 
Black-throated Blue Warbler.
Virginia Rail - NF 11 (Also listed as CR 15 on some maps), .5 miles East of 
Beaver River Road.  Several Virginia Rails were heard in the Marsh on the North 
side of the road.
Sora - Same location as the Virginia Rails, with several birds heard.
Sandhill Crane - Several Sandhill Cranes were observed in flight along FR 102, 
.8 miles North of the Whyte Road.
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher - Birds were heard in Tettegouche State park, along 
NF 11, the Stony River Forest road, the Heffelfinger road and FR 102.
Peregrine Falcon
Blue-headed Vireo - Heard and seen along most of the roads we birded.
Boreal Chickadee - Several observed along the Heffelfinger road, approx. 3 
miles South of the Cloquet Lake Road.
Winter Wren 
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Northern Waterthrush - One was heard at the Rail spot.
Mourning Warbler - Birds were heard singing along all of the roads we birded.  
Cape May Warbler - FR 102, 2.3 miles West of Highway 1.
Bay-breasted Warbler - A pair was observed along the Heffelfinger Road, 1.8 
miles South of the Cloquet Lake Road.
Black-throated Blue Warbler - Several were observed near the start of the top 
loop on Oberg Mountain.  We were unsuccessful in finding any along the ridge 
accessed from CR 31 in Tettegouche State park.
Lincoln's Sparrow -  Two were observed along Heffelfinger Road, 1.3 miles south 
of the Cloquet Lake Road.
Craig Mandel
Minnetonka, Hennepin County
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