I know it's Wisconsin but just had to report the great eagle drama I saw
while kayaking the Kinnickinnic River below River Falls, Wisconsin.  
An immature bald eagle dove into the river in front of me at
considerable speed, produced a sizeable splash, and emerged with its
neck and head just above the surface of the water.  It then raised its
wings above the surface, struggled to flap them in a seemingly futile
effort to take flight, and then, almost impossibly did take off with a
sizeable fish in it talons.  The eagle struggled to gain altitude and
make headway with its wiggling catch but then, with the speed and height
it finally gained, flew off out of sight down river.  This all occurred
in matter of 25 to 35 seconds. 
Kingfishers, goldfinches, ospreys and cedar waxwings were the other
birds I saw without the binoculars I left behind not knowing how
challenging the rapids were going to be.       
Keith Carlson
Roseville, MN

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