A Minneapolis City Council committee gave approval to an ordinance (see link
below*) allowing people to maintain communities of feral cats, with a vote
by the whole council (which is normally a formality) this Friday 9/20.  The
members were swayed by a dedicated minority who, among other things, claim
that allowing caretaking of these colonies -- including providing food and
shelter and catch-neuter-release programs -- would actually be beneficial
for wildlife.  That of course is in the face of the scientific consensus
that these are a disaster for birds and other native wildlife, in particular
the report earlier this year from the USFWS and the Smithsonian Research
Institute [
http://www.nature.com/ncomms/journal/v4/n1/full/ncomms2380.html] estimating
annual deaths in the billions of birds and tens of billions of mammals.


It is important that council members hear from people who care about birds,
even those outside Minneapolis, as this will become a model for other
cities.  You can see their phone numbers and email addresses at this site:
http://www.mpls.dfl.org/elected-officials. This is an election year and they
need to realize that a small, vocal group of extremists does not represent
the whole electorate. (Let me know if you want addresses of their opponents
in the election also.) I'm hoping there is a chance to get them to at least
send the bill back to get wider input and to remove the most damaging


* Here is the full wording:


Stephen Greenfield



 <mailto:tapacul...@gmail.com> tapacul...@gmail.com


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