Hi All,
2014 BRRRRDathon/PHOTOTHON It's time again for the 4th Annual Event sponsored by Friends of Sax-Zim Bog and Eagle Optics ...and you could win a $500 pair of Eagle Optics 10x42 ED Ranger binoculars! Will it finally be frigid for the "World's Coldest Birdathon?" Yes! Guaranteed. Can you and your teammates beat the record set in 2013 of 54 species by the "Badger Irruption" team? How about gunning for the repeat-winners "Cold and Green" in the Wintergreen non-motorized category and topping 33 species? You can do it! Registration for the 4th Annual Friends of Sax-Zim Bog BRRRRDathon/Photothon is now open. Help us preserve land in the Sax-Zim Bog by joining the "World's Coldest Birdathon!" Entrance fee is $25. More info & Registration here: http://www.saxzim.org/brrrrdathon/ YOUR OWN FUNDRAISING WEB PAGE ...and each participant will have their OWN WEB PAGE...All pledges taken online...PAINLESS FUNDRAISING...No begging for pledges/checks after the event! THE MAIN EVENTS BRRRRDathon 2-Day is Friday-Saturday January 10-11th. Most species recorded wins. BRRRRDathon 1-Day is EITHER Friday or Saturday (you decide!) Most species recorded wins. WINTERGREEN CATEGORY is a one-day birdathon event (either Friday or Saturday..you decide). Teams must travel under their own power in one contiguous trip. (Bus travel is allowed in the city limits of Duluth and other towns) PHOTOTHON is a full 12 days! Dec 28-January 8th (best portfolio of 10 bird images taken in the area during this time frame). PARTY AFTERWORDS Saturday Evening compilation and dinner will be at Hartley Nature Center Duluth. Dinner at 5:30 pm with awards, compilation, door prizes, stories to follow. GARY THE GRANITE GREAT GRAY Winners will get their name on the world's coolest trophy—the 150 pound Great Gray sculpture…and all winners will get their picture taken with Gary. What an honor! SOLO OR WITH FRIENDS Teams of 1-5 will scour the hinterlands and urban wilds of NE MN and NW WI to find the most species. Photothon is a solo venture. NOT JUST SAX-ZIM BOG....ALL NE/NC MN AND NW WI The BRRRRDathon/Photothon "playing field stretches across all of NE MN and NW Wisconsin. Part of the strategy is to create an itinerary that will take advantage of the best winter birding locations. See map here: http://birdnation.squarespace.com/storage/Map%20of%20Brrrrdathon%20area.pdf PRIZES, GIFTS & MORE! All Participants will receive a gift. First time participants will receive a "I Survived the World's Coldest Birdathon" mug with our Snowy Owl logo. At the dinner Saturday night, we'll have a drawing for amazing door prizes from Frost River, Whole Foods Co-op, Bemidji Woolen Mills, Kollath-Stensaas Publishers and more! But here's the really special prize—Eagle Optics has graciously donated a $500 pair of Eagle Optics Ranger 10x42 ED binoculars to the person who raises the most pledge dollars! Wow! Register and more details at: http://www.saxzim.org/brrrrdathon/ Sparky Stensaas Executive Director Friends of Sax-Zim Bog PO Box 3585 Duluth MN 55803 218.341.3350 cell spa...@saxzim.org www.SaxZim.org ---- Join or Leave mou-net: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net Archives: http://lists.umn.edu/archives/mou-net.html