I just got off the phone with my coworker who had reported a Snowy Owl to me yesterday northwest of Grove City and also a different one today west of Litchfield. (I saw and reported the Litchfield bird this afternoon but did not see the Grove City bird). She said the first Snowy Owl is currently on a pole by her house (#30533 525th Ave). She has been watching it from her house with her spotting scope and said that it flies each time a car goes by but always comes back to the same pole.
I went out this evening to relocate the Litchfield Owl but was unsuccessful. Sadly I did not have my phone on and missed her message about the owl at her house when I was right in Grove City. Lesson learned. We trekked south across the state starting from Angora this morning. In addition to watching the van thermometer climb from -33 to 1, we watched out the windows for some birds. Cutting through the Sax-Zim Bog this morning on Co. Rd. 7, we found: 1 Northern Hawk Owl (south of Byrne's Greenhouse on the east side) 5-6 Snow Buntings (somewhere on Co. Rd. 7 near the sod farm) 1 pair of Pine Grosbeaks (foraging in the snowbank and shoulder on Co. Rd. 7 about 4.5 miles south of Arkola Rd.) Good Birding! Josh Wallestad http://www.aboywhocriedheron.com http://birdingacrossamerica.com ---- Join or Leave mou-net: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net Archives: http://lists.umn.edu/archives/mou-net.html