Hey everyone,

I'm up in Meadowlands, MN this weekend to guide field trips for the Sax-Zim
Bog Winter Birding Festival.

I drove up on Tues and spent all day yesterday puttering around in Lake
County and headed up to Ely.

I have two words: dead silent.
I think I could count on one hand the number of birds I saw.
Besides Ravens, I saw one Pileated Woodpecker in Lake County.

Ely was similarly quiet. The Mountain Ash were loaded to the breaking point
with berries, but no Waxwings or Solitaire.

I stopped over at the Blue Heron B&B where I found a flock of Evening
Grosbeaks. Not much else of note though.

I spent a few hours puttering around Ely, exploring the snow sculptures and
the Wolf Center.  Then I headed south along Hwy 21 to Embarrass where I
picked up a couple Pine Grosbeaks, then headed down to Virginia, crossed
the Laurentian Divide and headed south to Sax-Zim.

Sax-Zim Bog:
Gray Jay along Hwy 7 north of Zim Rd
two Ruffed Grouse along 7 just south of Zim Rd.
Hawk-Owl along Owl Ave in the usual spot, and one of the two Gray Foxes at
the Welcome Center came in right on time.
The N Saw-whet Owl was in his usual location at the farmhouse along

If you'll be at the festival this weekend, see you there!

Happy Birding! --Chris W, Madison, WI
Tour Leader
Swallowtail Birding Tours


Interpretive Naturalist
Mississippi Explorer Cruises

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