Hello, MOU Folks:

Just noted Lindy Whyte's timely message on MOUNet about neonicotinoid 
pesticides and thought other subscribers
might be interested in St. Paul Audubon's upcoming workshop on these chemicals,
which pose a threat to pollinators and possibly birds, too.

If you could post this to the listserv, that would be much appreciated.
All the best,
Val Cunningham
St. Paul Audubon Society

Even if you don’t use chemicals in your garden, you still could 
be harming bees, butterflies and other living things.
Learn more about the alarming spread of “pre-poisoned” plants in the garden 
business and what 
you can do to combat this trend. Bee experts and landscapers will discuss
how to make sure you have a healthy backyard.
Saturday, April 5, 9 a.m. to noon
Campus Center (free parking nearby), Macalester College, St. Paul
This workshop is free and open to the public.

For more information, contact Val Cunningham, write...@comcast.net
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