Sorry so late.
My husband and I did our "Monthly Day in our Tower" on Monday and we were 
joined by a fellow birding friend of ours, Bernice Hall. We were out for 13 1/2 
hrs and seen 52 species. We had a FOY Tree Swallow, Great Egret, Brown-headed 
Cowbird & Ring-necked Duck. Lots of Tundra Swans flying over. We could see 
there are a lot of GB Herons & DC Cormorants on the islands on Pigeon Lake, 
plus some Pelicans and Gulls. Had some Snow & Greater White-fronted Geese fly 
over also.
 Here are the species.
American Robin, RN Pheasant, DE Junco, Canadians, Snow Goose, Cardinal, M Dove, 
Barred Owl, WB Nuthatch, Am Crow, RW Blackbird, BC Chickadee, Cormorant, C 
Grackle, B Jay, C Waxwing, B Eagle, Wood Duck, GBHeron, W Turkey, Downy, Fox 
Sparrow (over wintered), Am Goldfinch, Brown Creeper, Red-bellied WP, Rock 
Pigeon, RB Gull, Hairy, Starling, Tree Swallow, GWF Goose, Killdeer, Tundra 
Swan, Pelican, Mallard, Brown-headed Cowbird, Sandhill Crane (landed in the 
cattails where they were last year), N Flicker, House Finch, Pileated, Golden 
Eagle, TV, Red-tail Hawk,  Coopers Hawk, Rusty Blackbird, Great Egret, 
Sharp-shinned Hawk, Am Kestrel, Tree Sparrow, N Harrier, Purple Finch, 
Ring-necked Duck. We had a good day, the wind was a little more than we would 
have liked, but the birds were flying through.
 Paul just noticed a Sandhill Crane in the field to the south of us.

Paul & Koni Fank
Dassel, Meeker Cty

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID

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